[Eucalyptus-Users 0103] Eucalyptus1.61.のインストールについてご教示ください[ネットワーク]

Keita Higashi winnie_the_pooh @ y3.dion.ne.jp
2009年 12月 24日 (木) 21:30:15 JST



OS:CnetOS5.4 Xen

[root @ fmdt01 ~]# euca-run-instances -k mykey -n 1 emi-ED5F151C
RESERVATION     r-4E4008A8      admin   admin-default
INSTANCE        i-45210876      emi-ED5F151C pending mykey  2009-12-24T12:10:13.235Z eki-90A91392    eri-AE1E13E2

また、公開 IP アドレスの取得コマンドを投入すると、以下のように割当て可能なIPが無いような感じのメッセージが出力されます。
[root @ fmdt01 ~]# euca-allocate-address
Address: InsufficientAddressCapacity
[root @ fmdt01 ~]# 

[root @ fmdt01 ~]# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
virbr0          8000.000000000000       yes
xenbr0          8000.feffffffffff       no              peth0
[root @ fmdt01 ~]# 


-------------- next part --------------
# Eucalyptus configuration. 

# These are to instruct the init.d script on what to start.

# This variable points to where eucalyptus has been installed.

# This is the username that you would like eucalyptus to run as

# Uncomment this field if you do not plan on using the dynamic block
# store functionality of Eucalyptus

# Uncomment this field if you do not plan on using the dynamic DNS
# functionality of Eucalyptus

# This variable controls whether ws-security is enabled between
# eucalyptus components.  The default settings provide secure
# connections between the Cloud, Cluster, and Node Controllers and we
# recommend that this feature remains enabled.  If you wish to disable security,
# you must change this variable to "N" and manually configure the
# services.xml for both Cluster and Node Controllers (see documentation
# for more details).

# This variable controls the level of logging output that appears in
# various eucalyptus log files.  The options are, in descending order
# of verbosity, 'DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and
# FATAL'. The default is DEBUG (everything).

# These following are Cluster Controller configuration options.

# This is the port the Cluster Controller will be listening on.

# This option configures the Cluster Controller's scheduling policy.
# Currently, this option can be set to GREEDY (first node that is
# found that can run the VM will be chosen), ROUNDROBIN (nodes are
# selected one after another until one is found that can run the VM),
# or POWERSAVE (nodes are put to sleep when they are not running VMs,
# and reawakened when new resources are required.  VMs will be placed
# on the first awake machine, followed by machines that are asleep).

# Powersave options.  POWER_IDLETHRESH is the number of seconds that a
# node can remain idle (i.e. no running VMs) before a powerdown is
# attempted.  POWER_WAKETHRESH is the number of seconds that
# Eucalyptus should wait after attempting a node wake-up before it
# will consider the node actually down (and not waking up).

# The list of Node Controllers the Cluster Controller will communicate with. 
# If you are running Rocks, you can run "rocks list host" to
# find out the list of machines available to you (in our case we are
# interested in the VM Container kind).

# The name of the Node Controller service. Change this if you want
# to plug in your own Node Controller service.

# The following are Node Controller configuration options.

# This is the port the Node Controller will be listening on. 

# The hypervisor that the Node Controller will interact with in order
# to manage virtual machines.  Currently, supported values are 'kvm'
# and 'xen'.

# The maximum amount of memory Eucalyptus is allowed to use on the node:
# if you leave this commented out, Eucalyptus will use all available
# memory, otherwise it will use at most this value for ALL running instances.
# MAX_MEM=2048

# The maximum number of CPU/cores Eucalyptus is allowed to use on the
# node (at the moment we don't differentiate between cores and CPU). If
# you leave this commented out, Eucalyptus will use all available
# CPU/cores it can find. 

# The size of the swap partition, in MB, for each instance started on the 
# node (default is 512MB).  If the maximum disk allowed for the instance 
# is not big enough to accommodate the swap together with the root partition, 
# then no swap is allocated.  If there is extra room left, then an "ephemeral" 
# partition will be created, available as /dev/sda3 inside the VM.

# Setting this to 1 disables the cleanup of instance files (root, kernel,
# ramdisk) for failed and terminated instances.  This is not 
# recommended for normal use, but it can be useful in debugging VM startup.

# The following are options for image storage on the Node Controller

# This variable points to a directory which is used by the Node Controller
# to store images of running instances as well as local cached copies of
# images.  The running images will be deleted after the instance is
# terminated, but the cached copies will persist, subject to LRU cache
# replacement and the NC_CACHE_SIZE size limit, below.  So, this
# partition should be at least as big as the cache size (or the maximum
# space needed by all images, whichever is bigger) plus the maximum space
# needed by the maximum number of instances allowed on the node.
# This directory should be local to the Node Controller (as
# opposed to a NFS share) for performance reasons.

# The maximum amount of disk space, in Megabytes, that Eucalyptus is 
# allowed to use in the cache directory (INSTANCES_PATH/eucalyptus/cache).
# A generous size is recommended.  Setting this to zero disables caching.

# The following are networking options

# The 2 variable  VNET_PRIVINTERFACE and VNET_PUBINTERFACE specify the
# local physical ethernet interfaces that eucalyptus should use to manage
# the VM network.  On the front-end, VNET_PRIVINTERFACE should be set to
# the device that is attached to the same ethernet network as your nodes.
# - VNET_PUBINTERFACE should be set to the device which is connected to
# the 'public' network.  If you have only one interface, these should
# be set to the same value.  On the nodes, both should be set to
# either the name of the bridge that has been set up by Xen (xenbr0,
# eth0, etc), or the physical ethernet device that is attached to the
# xen bridge (peth0, peth1, etc), depending on your xen configuration.

# (node setting only) VNET_BRIDGE should be set to the name of the
# bridge that xen has configured.  This is typically named 'xenbr0,
# xenbr1, etc' on older Xen versions, and 'eth0, eth1, etc' on newer
# Xen versions.  The command 'brctl show' will give you more
# information on your local bridge setup.

# This indicates where we have a dhcp server binary. We use it to provide
# the images with IPs: Eucalyptus provides its own configuration per
# instance. 

# Some systems have their DHCP daemon configured to run as a non-root
# user.  If this is the case, set the name of that user here (by
# default, Eucalyptus will set up DHCPD configuration files and
# directories as owned by root).

# Following are example eucalyptus VM networking configurations.
# There are four modes to choose from (MANAGED, MANAGED-NOVLAN,
# SYSTEM, or STATIC) and each has its own sub-options.  The first
# modes (MANAGED, MANAGED-NOVLAN) configure eucalyptus to fully manage
# the VM networks, and enables the ability to use security groups and
# dynamic public IP assignment (with and without vlan tagging of
# security group networks, respectively).  VNET_SUBNET should be set
# to an IP subnet that is free for eucalyptus to use (i.e. no other
# system connected to your network directly is configured with
# addresses from this subnet).  VNET_NETMASK defines the size of the
# subnet.  VNET_DNS should be set to a DNS server that your systems
# use (usually safe to use the same DNS that is configured on the
# front-end).  VNET_ADDRSPERNET can be used to limit the number of
# instances that can be attached to each named security group
# simultaneously.  Finally, VNET_PUBLICIPS should be set to any public
# IPs, that are currently unused, that can be dynamically assigned to
# VMs.  Of these options, only VNET_PUBLICIPS can be left blank or
# undefined.  If you are running in multi-cluster mode (more than one
# CC), you should uncomment VNET_LOCALIP and set it to the local IP of
# the CC that is accessible by all other CCs in the system.  If
# VNET_LOCALIP is unset, the CC will try to determine the list of all
# IPs currently assigned to the machine at CC run time.  If your CC
# and CLC are on different machines, uncomment VNET_CLOUDIP and set it
# to your cloud-contoller's IP address (must be an address that can be
# reached by the CC).

#VNET_PUBLICIPS="your-free-public-ip-1 your-free-public-ip-2 ..."

# If you would like eucalyptus to not manage the VM network at all,
# you can set VNET_MODE to SYSTEM.  In this mode, VM interfaces are
# attached directly to your physical ethernet, at which point they
# will typically invoke a DHCP client to aquire an IP address.  Use
# this mode if you wish to manage VM IPs yourself, or allow the VMs to
# pick up an IP from a non-eucalyptus managed DHCP server.

# If VNET_MODE is set to STATIC, you can manually configure a set of
# IP addresses that will be allocated to VMs at boot time in a first
# come, first served manner.  VNET_SUBNET, VNET_NETMASK, and
# VNET_BROADCAST define your subnet (front-end must have an interface
# configured on this subnet).  VNET_ROUTER defines the subnet's
# gateway.  VNET_DNS is a nameserver address.  It is usually safe to
# get these settings by examining your front-end network settings and
# duplicating them here.  VNET_MACMAP is a list of mac address/IP
# address mappings that you would like to be allocated to VMs at run
# time (see example below for the format of this list).

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